Monday, September 8, 2008

Sept 9/10, 2008

You all worked hard on your initial mural designs, and I appreciate that. Now it's time to start finalizing your design and your paint and accent stone budget.

* To get the paint budget, you'll need to compute area for all your shapes. Feel free to revise your design at this stage, to be sure you're using simple shapes.

* To get the accent stone budget, you'll need to get the perimeter of your 2-D perspective object.

1. Do the warm-up.
2. I'll hand back your initial design. If you need to turn in additional files, you have until midnight tonight, for a maximum possible score of 90% in all categories.
3. We'll talk about what you need to turn in next.
4. We'll learn how to compute areas.
5. You'll work in your groups to finalize your design and make your budget calculations.
6. Do the Exit ticket.

What'll be due next, & what you'll be graded on:
* Design Plan -- Like your initial design, but finalized, cleaned up, and in color.
* Budget -- You'll need to know how much of each color of paint is needed, and how many accent stones.
* Presentation -- 7 minute Powerpoint, presented as a group.
* Collaboration
* Professionalism

* Virtual area tool:
* Formulas: (Click to download "areas.ppt").

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